Temporary tattooing, as we know it in contemporary times, was first popularized by bubble gums and used the same technique. These days, it employs a mix of vegetable dyes and glue similar to what you might come across in adhesive bandages.
Consistently rising in popularity is the airbrush mode of temporary tattooing. The basic principle in operation here is a stencil over which the paint fills out the pattern.
What are the advantages of temporary tattooing? Quite a few, you bet. Firstly, it is absolutely painless even though the airbrush instrument points towards you rather menacingly like a real tattoo gun.
Temporary tattooing is also comparatively safe as the colors are painted on the skin and not under it. This means that you won't get pus or blood oozing out from various spots in your skin. You do need to be careful, though, when visiting your airbrush tattooist. Make sure you approach someone who enjoys a good reputation in the business; one who uses Food and Drug Administration approved dyes and colors, such as No Regret Temporary Tattoos & Body Art from Kitchener, Ontario, By Ena Hasanagic
Lastly, you can remove the temporary tattoos at will with the aid of oil and cream. Most temporary tattoos will stay on for three weeks and fade away anyway.
So, think about it: do you now want to go through excruciating pain just to get that permanent splash of color (that you might to remove later) on your person and remain bandaged for days with the possibility of infection?
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