In Asia, a tree tattoo would indicate one's personal quest for the fulfillment of the being and the finding of sacredness. According to Scandinavian mythology, a tree tattoo would be a mere representation of the axis mundi, the tree that stands in the center of the universe with branches reaching to all the dimensions of the visible and the invisible worlds. Furthermore, if we were to judge by the mysticism of the Celtic beliefs, a tree tattoo would be the connection with the spirit that inhabits the tree. The list of symbolic interpretations could go on and on depending on the culture we turn to.
Artistic body painting makes a very generous use of a whole range of tree tattoo models, particularly due to the rich symbolism of the representations. First and foremost, any culture has its myths and stories related to particular trees: think of the importance of the cherry trees in the Japanese culture or the way Buddha reached enlightenment under the branches of the Body tree. A tree tattoo is most commonly related to rejuvenation and regeneration, as trees have always reminded one of the life cycle. After the barren and desolate winter months there comes the warmth and sunshine of spring with the buds of leaves and flowers.
Last but not least, it would be unfair not to mention the fact that many people who get a tree tattoo made, don't have any form of symbolism in mind to justify their choice. The only criterion of selection for the tattoo model would thus be the aesthetic one. This is like “I'll get a tree tattoo because it looks cool”. To a certain extent, the reasons that trigger body painting in the first place justify and reveal one's personality, and regardless of the reasons that influence one choice or another, we are free to enjoy the experience as it is.
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